I just want to journal a rough list of recent things on my heart. Father let these be done in me...
- My plan is out-dated, old and obsolete. His plan is the new strategy.
- Nothing of this world will matter to me any more.
- I have died to myself, I am dying to my own dreams and goals. I am only alive for the purposes of Christ. In Him I live and breathe.
- The book of my life is being rewritten. Love is the plot, Faith is the binding and Hope is the pen with which I write.
- Fears are gone! Fear of death, failure, loneliness, fear of growing old, fear of poor health, your notice has been served! You have been broken!
- Money and finances are no longer the most important thing to me. In fact, they are being moved to the most insignificant place. I am fully funded to do what my Father asks.
- Simplify, Downsize, Eliminate, Lighten the load, Sell, Give, Live below my means.
- Cap my spending and income and give the rest.
- My American dream robs from my Heavenly treasure.
- My earthly cost: persecution, suffering, misunderstood, hated, mocked
- My heavenly reward: priceless beyond measure
- Time to move from the checkbook to the street. Go! Touch! Tell! Love! Serve!
- Fast, Pray, Discern, Listen, Hunger, Thirst, Seek
- Risk everything. Go "all in". Expect the unexpected.
- 6 billion people need my Father.
- Just Go... Make a difference... the world is waiting.
I love this Steve. You are very inspiring.