Sunday, January 16, 2011

Overwhelming Love

I love to share my experiences about what God has been doing in my life; but, I can never seem to get the words together to describe it well enough.  No matter what I type, or say, the words always seem to fall short.  So many times I feel like people must think I'm crazy, but they just don't understand.  God is so good and so full of love.  He has a plan for YOU... not a religious, jump-through-hoops, recite this prayer thing... no way!  You are his child and he looooooves you!  Isaiah 49:16 even says that He has engraved or tattooed you on the palm of his hands.  He wants to be a part of everything you do.  He is a good Father!

Years ago, I went through the most painful and tragic time in my life as my marriage of 15 years crumbled and fell apart.  In broken-hearted desperation, I cried out, day after day for God.  Faithfully, He carried me through the weeks and months that followed.  He strategically placed believers and experiences in my life that lifted me out of the pit of depression and bitterness that I was in.  He taught me forgiveness, and taught me how to love and trust again.  He taught me how to pray and worship in spirit and truth.  But most importantly, He ruined me and spoiled me for His love and presence.

Never in all of my years as a follower of Christ did I have such an incredible, overwhelming desire to spend time with my Father God.  Here I am years later and the revival in my life is stronger than ever before.  My passion and hunger for God often overwhelms me, and I just have to get away to spend time with Him.  Whether it's through worship and praise, reading the bible, taking communion, spending time in prayer, or just laying face down before Him.... I just can't seem to get enough.

Every day, I can truly feel my Father beckoning and interrupting me throughout my day.  At least a hundred times a day a spark ignites in my spirit that causes my attention to shift to Him.  Like a playful lover interrupting your day with a 'thinking of you' text message, so does my Father with His beckoning. It happens at work, at the store, at my house, when I'm surrounded by people, and when I'm all alone.  His love beckons, and I can not wait to find time alone with Him.

Please hear my heart in this matter.  You will never experience this with earthly religious practices... you will only sense this when you are completely and wholly surrendered to Jesus.  He will immersed you in the Holy Spirit, and you will become alive with passion!  I am not boasting or bragging; but, I am trying to excite hunger in your heart like mine.  I know three other people right now who are experiencing this same God-given revival in their own lives, and several others who are pressing in for a breakthrough right now!  Remember that God does not show favoritism (Rom 2:11).  His desire is for all of His children to hunger and thirst after Him. If you seek Him, you WILL find Him!  He promises that He will give you rivers of living waters flowing from within.  (John 7:38)  I am experiencing these rivers daily, and I pray that you will too.

I have been given so much and I have been blessed beyond measure!!  I hunger for more and more and more.  With all that I have been given, there's still an eternity filled with the wonder and amazement of my Father.  He's the God who holds the entire universe in the span of his hand (Isaiah 40:12)... imagine the millions and millions of things that He has not even begun to reveal to us yet.  My heart burns for more and more.

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