Saturday, January 1, 2011

Waiting for a Fresh Word

Here it is.... "Day 1" of the new year and I haven't heard a fresh word for my life yet.

I shouldn't be surprised since this week has been very busy and I haven't had as much time to spend with the Lord yet.  I can't just expect everything to come on a silver platter when I've only used the fast food approach with God.  After all, He says "Seek FIRST my kingdom and my righteousness and all these things will be given to you as well."  (Matt 6:33)  Well... I haven't truly put my face to the ground and sought after Him.  Tomorrow (Sunday) will begin a much better week with Him as I've already got Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday nights penciled in.   2010 was a great year, and it ended on a very high note... I'm really looking forward to this new year and experiencing the presence of God in my life.

Looking back to last year at this time, the Lord specifically gave me two words for 2010.  I had shared these with a few friends back then, but now I look and see how faithful my God has been....

1) He said 2010 was going to be a year of renewal and spiritual growth for me.  He said it would NOT be an easy, prosperous year, but one that would require perseverance. 

Hallelujah!  This was so "right on".  Looking back, I can honestly say 2010 was the most amazing year of my life with the Lord.  I've been a Christian since I was a teenager, but never have I experienced the presence or the voice of God so clearly in my life.  I feel renewed, reborn, baptized in the Holy Spirit all over again, just like day one.  The year ended with an amazing series of events that clearly showed me that God is in control and has a strategy and a plan in place.

And yes, it was not an easy year or an overly prosperous one for me.  Though I feel blessed and well taken care of by my Father, daily I still found myself battling loneliness, depression, and self worth.  My failures of the past had a way of pressing in on all sides and I had struggled to overcome.  Worship has become a spiritual weapon that the Father has given me.  Through worship, I can overcome the noise and chatter in my head and turn back to the presence of God of my life.

2) Also in 2010, He showed me that in order to continue to grow this year, I would not be able to remain alone in my walk.  As iron sharpens iron, I would need one or more strong brothers/friends to partner with me.

This too has proven to be true as He helped build these types of relationships in my life.  One friend has been there day and night with encouragement, guidance and most importantly in prayer.  It never fails that he is awake at 3am when I have something to share, and I have found that God will even confirm words spoken to me through my friend and vice versa.

Another friend has recently experienced a life journey so similar to mine that it's obvious that God hooked us up to sharpen each other.  Through our conversations I have found additional healing in areas of my life that I thought I had already resolved.  It's just proof to me that God doesn't leave anything undone.

Finally, another friend who lives far away, has a way of sending me an encouraging e-mail at the exact, precise time that I need to hear it.  Once would just be neat, twice would probably be a coincidence, but four or five times shows me that my God is concerned about me.  In all of these friendships, I have been able to give as well as receive.  They are all definitely a "God thing".

Perhaps the most exciting thing is that during the last week of the year, God miraculously pulled together and partnered me with an amazing small group of Godly men to seek after His will in our lives.  I can see that God would not let the year pass without revealing his strategy and action plan for us.  He's so amazing!  This group of men will continue to sharpen each other into 2011, and I'm blessed to be a part of the group.

Thank you Father for your faithfulness!  Your love astounds me!


  1. So inspiring! Makes me hungry for the Lord's presence.

  2. You continue to inspire me, Steve. Thank you.
